
Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Second Weigh-In

Alright, so today I had another official weigh-in. I weighed 148.5 lbs. I decided that I'll have a sort of grading system for myself.
So, 4 pounds or more pounds in 1 week is an A+
3.5 lbs = A
3 lbs = A-
2.5 lbs = B+
2 lbs = B
1.5 lbs = C
1 lbs = D
< 1 lbs = FAIL
I guess I just wanted a grading system to keep me on track. This week I got a B+ as I weighed in at 151 lbs last Wednesday. I think I want to stay in the "A" range, so there is more incentive to lose.
I have more to say, but I really want to get this post up today.


  1. congrats on losing 2.5lbs! that's a lot of weight. for me, 2.5lbs means getting into the 50 kilo region (59.something yes).
    i'd probably fail every week, or get a D. i start to freak out whenever my body loses a lot of weight, because i associate large amounts of weight loss with "oh, you can put this on in no time" whereas slow weight loss is more..."sustainable" for me.
    that's just my body anyway.
    i hope you have a good day angel. x you should be proud. it is not easy losing weight.

    -Sam Lupin

  2. i just read your reply to the other post:
    oh my. the whole "don't need to try super hard to purge" thing is very easy to abuse. but with purging, it's always unpredictable whether you get all or some of it up. it's so frustrating.
    you can always purely cut out dairy and see what happens. and then you can experiment. weird thing about lactose intolerance: it's not like all dairy products are a no. i just had cheese, and i am nowhere near bloated. IN FACT, i just went to the bathroom (Lordy, constipation problems and ED's).
    yes. i am a lucky ducky! also, i hit it. ;) 60.9kg (133.9 - i.e. rounded to 134lbs). now to get down beyond my low weight, which is 132.6lbs.
    i'm so excited. i really want to see 59.something kilos. it's one thing breaking into a new set in lbs (from 150 to 140 for example) but it's something entirely differing going from 60-something kilos to 50-something kilos. omg.)

    -Sam Lupin
