
Saturday, 24 May 2014

Giant Update, My Next Weigh-In, and The Latest Diet

 Alright, well it's been a while. Over a week at this point. That's pretty bad, but I'd like to update up until this point and then lay out the plan from here on out.
 So, in my last post (last Wednesday or Thursday I believe?) I weighed in at 148.5 lbs. That was awesome and I was really glad to have been losing. Then, I had a tournament. I don't think I mentioned this in the past, but I do play sports highly competitively. So I left for my tournament on the morning of last Thursday and got back in on Monday night. Over that weekend I consumed copious amounts of food and, when weighing in on Tuesday morning, I clocked in at 153 lbs. No, you didn't read that wrong. I gained 4.5 lbs in 5 days with ease. 
 I felt really horrible, and knew that I had to get my shit together if I wanted to reach GW2 by May 31. Then, for some reason I remembered an episode of Supersize vs Super Skinny where a lady who had been on several fad diets recalled which ones had worked well for her. She talked about a diet where the only requirement was not to eat after 4 in the afternoon. She said the pounds fell off. 
Right, so I'm thinking that this will be great for me because I'm always dealing with bloating and would like to minimize calorie counting, so I did a lot more research. I came across Intermittent Fasting. It was basically what this woman had been doing by not eating after 4. IF is when you fast for certain amounts of time, then eat for whatever amount of time and basically repeat.
 There are several different variations, but the main three are Leangains (or 8 hour diet), Eat Stop Eat (also called 5:2 I believe), and the warrior diet which I am least in favour of. I have been doing Leangains since Tuesday.
 I suppose I'll start with a brief explanation of each Intermittent Fasting method.
 Leangains is when you set yourself with an 8 hour time period that you are allowed to eat within, for the other 16 hours you fast. This method can be done 3 days a week with results, but I believe most people do it daily. The time period I set myself is 8:00 am to 4:00 pm everyday. All other times of the day, I am fasting. Most people set the times later in the day, usually around 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm or 11:00 am to 7:00 pm. This is so that one can still consume dinner at a normal time, especially since it is relatively easy to skip breakfast. I chose to stop eating dramatically earlier in the day for two reasons: 1, to combat bloating and 2, because it's easier for me to skip dinner than to skip breakfast.
 Eat Stop Eat is when you eat as you normally do but choose two days of every week to fast. I guess this one works by lowering your weekly average calories. To me it's a recipe for bingeing. I've tried fasting before for 24 hour periods. The fast would go fine, but I would simply end up overeating the next day to compensate for the lack of food the day before.
 Then, there's the warrior diet. Basically, you eat once a day, at the same time (generally night/dinner time). It's an almost 24 hour fast every single day. Um excuse me no. You are looking at the binge queen right here and this diet is the king. I would absolutely pig out at dinner time if I followed this diet which would lead to a bloated belly and headache every morning. Yeah, no this one's not for me and I'm not sure how successful it is for just about anyone.
 Anyways, it's update time now that I've shared my latest diet and different variations for anyone who is interested. Tonight (Saturday night. 4 days after weighing in at 153 lbs from a weekend of regular eating.) I weighed in at 149 lbs. Yeah. That's a 4 lbs loss in 4 days and this is after a day's worth of food. Also, did I mention that I had competitive beach volleyball practice this afternoon and am currently caked with dirt, getting ready to shower. Yeah. Tuesday morning after peeing and scrubbing myself raw in the shower in the hopes of weighing as little as possible for my weigh-in, I weighed in at 153 lbs. 4 days later after a days worth of food, having eaten my last meal two hours ago and caked with dirt and sweat from a high intensity beach volleyball program, 149 lbs. Ok yeah, Leangains is working for me. Oh, did I mention that I haven't counted a single calorie since Monday? I just ate a lot less. Wtf. I could seriously get used to this.
 Here's to more weightloss.


  1. gaining weight is so easy. i gained 5lbs in 4 days with ease just now!
    warning about IF: IF works differently for men and women. however, a lot of women have done IF and found it to be a perfect tool for weight loss. i myself have tried the IF protocol and it was amazing.
    "because it's easier for me to skip dinner than to skip breakfast." i thought i was the only insane one that thought that. xD right now, i'm trying to switch it around. i realise if i don't breakfast i don't get hungry until much later.
    oh yeah. definitely. that's the problem with not eating for 24 hours.
    The Warrior one has a 4 hour gap in which you can eat and that just doesn't sound like enough. xD
    i'm glad!! this is amazing. i'm glad the IF protocol is working for you. ^_^

    -Sam Lupin

    1. Yeah, I've read some horror stories on IF messing with women's hormones. Not pretty. But I think it's better than me counting every last calorie and obsessing whenever I go over 1000.
      Don't know why it's so difficult for me to skip breakfast! Even now, I count down the minutes until I can eat in the morning. Yet it's easy once I hit 4 o'clock not to think about food for the rest of the day.
      Also, why did you stop IF If you don't mind me asking? Was it due to mood/break outs that other ladies experienced?

  2. I do the 5:2 (or Eat Stop Eat). Sometimes I fast every other day. And sometimes LCHF and HSGD and... Yeah, well.

    Regarding not wolfing down fast food: I think to myself, is it really worth it? Five minutes of pleasure followed by three days of self loathing and starvation? The answer usually is no.

    1. You have more will power than me! I think binges often begin with me saying "oh ONE slice/bite/etc. won't change my weight tomorrow." Then one turns into one million and the whole day is ruined. Here this quote applies: "If I eat anything, I'll eat everything, so i eat nothing."
      Also big ups to you for fasting at all let alone multiple times a week.

  3. definitely. i think IF is a lot better than counting.
    for me, the time isn't 4PM. it's around 5-6ish. but recently, i'm becoming more of a night eater as well. not sure what's going on.
    i stopped IF because i couldn't deal with having to wait for food. :P that's it.

    also, a comment reply to your comment:
    i'm also thinking it's a double edged sword really. it doesn't happen too often. especially as i'm in recovery, any day where i'm not thinking about how fat i am too much is a good day (very good day). and any day where i am is a very bad day.
    i know you're here for me sweetie and i'm glad <3
    you're an angel xoxoxo
    take care of yourself okay?

    -Sam Lupin
    PS. i'm super jealous of how sporty you are!

    1. It sucks being sporty because I have no excuse for my chubbiness >.>.
      I'm happy that you're in recovery! Every day where you feel good or even just ok is a good one.
      Lol at your reason for stopping IF. Seriously I'm in the same boat right now and I'm certain that this diet can't be maintained for very long.
